
JetSet Immo is your international real estate network

Join a serious and dynamic team which places the interest of its customers above all. We offer all our potential customers a transparency, which guarantees integrity of our day to day business transactions. Our dynamism is the result of the personal engagement of each member of our team. Our exceptional creativity is the evident result of our exceptional professional network.

Networking in the real estate  business according to JetSet Immo

 The JetSet Immo vision of the business is different:

 While placing the satisfaction of our customers in the center of our methodology, we develop a network based on the 3 most important key values: integrity, creativity, responsiveness.


INTEGRITY: This is expressed in all the dimensions of our concept. All of our exchanges are always built in direct correspondence with our  customer's needs. Our customers receive our complete diligence, availability, council and efficiency. Our convention is appreciated today by its clarity and transparency.

CREATIVITY : Creativity is a constant preoccupation.Our main objective is the immediate efficiency of each one of our actors.The exceptional development of our relationship network and its success is synonymoud with a permanent contact and a professional intermediary on various leves.Today our network relies on more than 500 partners.They all carry their experience and expertise in their respective fields of the activity(in direct transaction, wealth management, promotion of a real estate property, international investment and others) as well as the solid knowledge of the geographical area where they are recognized as specialists.

By joining JetSet Immo, you will be instantly connected to the entire network and will thus increase your opportunities for success.

RESPONSIVENESS: Thanks to the continious growth of our portfolio, which currently includes more than 20,000 objets online, and its regular update, you'll be the first one to propose a set of solutions in line with the needs of your clients.This is going to be your recipe for success.


Values of real estate business

As an independent real estate agent or employee, you will evolve in an industry with noble values.One that strives to assist a dream of all : A roof for every family!

You will intervene during a key period in the life of your customers, who will become the owner of a property that they like.Purchase of a real estate is a long term commitment.In fact, economically speaking,it is the only act of purchasing of a household that can be qualified as an investment.

As the executor of a real estate transaction, you will not be just a simple sales intermediary, but also a personal advisor for your future clients.You will often be recommended to others by yours friends.You will be the showcase of an industry that only includes enthusiastic people;men and women who chose their rather difficult professions and who chose in their daily efforts, will let you complete a transaction that fully satisfies your customer.

You will be immersed by a durable product, a safe investment that i transmitted from one generation to the other since the beginning of times: a stone.


Key figures of a profitable market

For example,

  • As far as primary residences are concerned, 60% of households living in France are your potential customers, meaning that only 40% of them are owners of their primary residence.
  • As for secondary residences, today 1 property out of ten falls into this category, that means approximately 3 million dwellings. This market is continuously in full expansion with a growth of 50% since the years 1970.




JETSET IMMO International Real Estate Agency: Search the most recent real estate listings and find your next property.



© 2007- 2025 JETSET IMMO, all rights reserved. Each real estate agency operating under the name of JetSet Group is legally and financially independent. Pictures are not contractual.


Protection of private data


JetSet Group Sarl gathers personal data of the subscribers on its websites as a resulf of subscrioption to and, in order to ensure the delivery of these services.


This information will not be used for any other purpose, except in the eventual case of keeping the subscribers informed about new services added to JetSet Immo websites and will not be disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of the subscriber.


At the moment of subscription to JetSet Immo websites, the subscriber can authorise JetSet Group Sarl to send the information on services or products related to the real estate sector, with a view to proceed to appropriate actions of direct marketing, in particular through the use of electronic mails, in which case the subscriber agrees to receive such information. The subscriber can contact JetSet Immo at any time to terminate subscription.

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