1 - A personal financial investment minimum of € 30,000;
This contribution is assessed according to the doorstep considered (highly variable) and must cover the installation costs and working capital (the latter two positions vary slightly). This investment also includes your entry into the network JetSet Immo.
Unlike most other business, there is no stock to finance it is a service activity.
2 - Authorization of establishment;
3 - A very strong interpersonal skills;
4 - The spirit of service;
5 - The motivation, the desire to learn;
99% of our Franchisees are not from real estate
What can you expect?
1 - A high efficiency and fast;
You should achieve a minimum turnover of 200,000 € to 400,000 € in 2 years.
2 - A permanent contact with your customer;
3 - The insurance payments by a notary (not outstanding);
JETSET IMMO International Real Estate Agency: Search the most recent real estate listings and find your next property.
© 2007- 2025 JETSET IMMO, all rights reserved. Each real estate agency operating under the name of JetSet Group is legally and financially independent. Pictures are not contractual.
Protection of private data
JetSet Group Sarl gathers personal data of the subscribers on its websites as a resulf of subscrioption to Jetsetimmo.eu and Jetsetimmo.com, in order to ensure the delivery of these services.
This information will not be used for any other purpose, except in the eventual case of keeping the subscribers informed about new services added to JetSet Immo websites and will not be disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of the subscriber.
At the moment of subscription to JetSet Immo websites, the subscriber can authorise JetSet Group Sarl to send the information on services or products related to the real estate sector, with a view to proceed to appropriate actions of direct marketing, in particular through the use of electronic mails, in which case the subscriber agrees to receive such information. The subscriber can contact JetSet Immo at any time to terminate subscription.